
Who we are?

The ELCT health and diakonia directorate is one of the directorates under the social services and women works department of the church. As other organs in the ELCT the directorate have four main roles which are; coordination, capacity building, Advocacy and facilitation. The directorate implement these roles in the ELCT health facilities and in different health programs and projects implemented by the directorate in different places

Welcome To ELCT health Directorate

ELCT Health Services through Health Facilities: ELCT has 24 hospitals and 148 lower health facilities, which are located across the country, both on the Tanzanian mainland and Zanzibar. These health facilities are under the direct ownership of ELCT Dioceses except the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC), which is under the ownership of the entire church.

ELCT health services through Programs and Projects: ELCT Health and Diakonia directorate runs programs and projects in areas of Quality of care, Palliative Care (PC), Sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR), HIV/AIDS care and support, Health and Humanitarian emergencies response, and Human resources for health development.Through the mentioned programs, ELCT HDD integrates issues of Early childhood development (ECD), Primary health care (PHC), Environment Justice, Gender Justice, Economic empowerment, peace, and education, among others.

Policies and Guidelines

In the provision of health services, ELCT HDD is guided by different policies and guidelines, including The ELCT Health Policy and Guidelines and the National Health Policy and Guidelines. Also, the ELCT child safeguarding policy, the ELCT Code of Conduct, and the ELCT Gender policy, among others.

Roles for the ELCT HDD

Coordination: The directorate is responsible for coordinating health services provided by the Lutheran Church in Tanzania in collaboration with the dioceses and the government. ELCT has a total of 172 health facilities that are located across the country; these are hospitals at different levels, health centers, and dispensaries.

Capacity building: Conduct training and workshops on health and related issues targeting health providers and supportive staff at the ELCT health facilities but also the community resource persons who support the work at the community level, such as religious leaders.

Facilitation: In collaboration with the ELCT dioceses and the Government at different levels, stakeholders, and partners, the ELCT HDD helps in areas of resource mobilization, policies, and guidelines to enable the provision of health services in Lutheran health facilities.

Advocacy: ELCT HDD works with different stakeholders to advocate for improved access to quality health services for all. ELCT HDD conducts advocacy in specific areas such as reproductive health and palliative care.

Promotion of Lutheran Church identity: ELCT HDD, as one of the directorates in ELCT HQ, works to promote Lutheran Church identity by focusing on strengthening the chaplaincy units at the ELCT health facilities while looking at Christian ethics in the provision of health services through what we call "barefoot quality of care".



Celebrating life and wellbeing in abundance: address poverty, hunger, diseases, illiteracy, gender and family relations issues etc.


Protection of the earth environment, nature and ecosystem as our divine inheritance from God. Addressing climate change through implementing clean and renewable energy


Securing peace, dignity and human right for all people ecumenical and interfaith collaboration both local and international.


Harness the earthly resources e.g. economical and technological to support growth of the church and all people, irrespective of their background


Local Partnerships: Government and other local organizations.
Traditional partnerships: LWF, ELCA, MEW, CoS, FELM and DANMSSION, NCA, Bread for the World.
Development Partners: USAID, LM International,, EGPAF, OSIEA, LMC Difaem, Ford Foundation and SIDA.

Sustainable Development Goals Attributed by The ELCT HDD

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